Sara Savage
Brekkie with Kulja Coulston and Sara Savage, 7 - 10am
Presenter/ Music
Sara Savage is a Melbourne-based writer, editor and broadcaster. Currently working as Assistant Editor of Australian Book Review, Sara also hosts the NO PANTS radio show on Triple R (Sundays at 10pm), which celebrates women and female-identifying artists in music. She also works as a freelance broadcast journalist, and has produced work for clients including Monocle 24, Monocle magazine’s global radio station based in the UK."
When was the first time you remember identifying yourself as a feminist? It was around the time I started playing drums, when I was 10 years old. I remember asking my teacher, Mr De Souza, who some famous female drummers were, and he struggled to name any (not even Moe Tucker!). That spurred me to do my own research, which got me onto a lot of music as a kid that I don’t think I would have found if I wasn't searching for other female drummers to identify with. The fact that I had to look so hard stayed with me (even though these days the answers are just a Google search away), and is definitely one of the reasons I started NO PANTS – to place female musicians at the front of people's minds, particularly the minds of young musicians and young fans looking for role models they can relate to. |